UbiquitySlideshow specification Wiki page shock and horror

Evan Dandrea evand at ubuntu.com
Fri Jun 19 13:46:42 BST 2009

This was an accepted specification for 9.10, so lets get started on
implementing it :).

I toyed around with the current presentation layer last night (and
WebKit a bit).

Are there any objections to getting rid of the filename display (I
imagine that's only there for debugging anyway), and changing the
buttons to a next, pause, and play image?  Is anyone keen on
implementing these changes?  Also, does anyone want to take on making
the slide automatically change after a set period of time?

The front page of The Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/)
gives a good example of what I personally would like to see.
Additional comments/suggestions welcome.

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