kubuntu slideshow

Roman Shtylman shtylman at gmail.com
Mon Dec 28 05:18:44 GMT 2009

Great! Will anything need to be updated in the installer codebase to
handle this?

This also introduces a new package (ubiquity-slideshow-kubuntu); do we
need to do anything to get that package approved to inclusion onto the


On Sun, Dec 27, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Dylan McCall <dylanmccall at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 2009-12-26 at 22:37 -0500, Roman Shtylman wrote:
>> Another attempt at getting a kubuntu slideshow :)
>> This should also help in making things like a ubuntu netbook or
>> kubuntu netbook slideshow possible under one branch.
>> lp:~shtylman/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/kubuntu-slideshow
>> ~Roman
> Wow, excellent stuff, Roman! I was just about to go and do that myself,
> and you made it happen. This is delightful :)
> (And I already want to try KDE again).
> A bit more fiddling will make sense (in particular, the pos will need to
> be merged into one per derivative for sanity's sake. I also want to make
> index.html less complex by moving the funny stuff to a separate js
> file).
> Anyway, merging right now! ...So, consider the approach official.
> Thanks again,
> Dylan
> PS: I am going to put the code to pick an ideal locale inside the
> slideshow (in that shared js file), so Ubiquity should just pass the
> full locale string and expect everything else to happen on its own, as
> before. Although probably more efficient, that proposed change of mine
> was ugly and complex.

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