ubiquity customization

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Thu Nov 20 15:35:19 GMT 2008

2008/11/20 Fabio Marzocca <thesaltydog at gmail.com>:
> Ok. I made some test and now I know how preseed will work.
> Still have problems with avoiding the installation of language packs
> for openoffice. As openoffice is not installed on my liveCD, maybe I
> can comment out "ubuntu-desktop" in  /preseed/ubuntu.seed? Is there
> any trick to test the ubiquity install wihout having to rebuild the
> whole ISO?

Is this a disc you're planning to distribute and expect people to
install and use? If so I'd be very careful about playing with meta
packages such as ubuntu-desktop. It could compromise the users ability
to upgrade the system in the future.


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