Ubiquity SVN? or website?

Geza Kovacs geza0kovacs at gmail.com
Fri Oct 26 20:59:20 BST 2007

The ubiquity bzr trunk branch is located at

Since you can't commit to it directly, just make your changes and push
the modified version to your own branch.

Some useful info is available at

On Fri, 2007-10-26 at 10:24 -0500, Eli Criffield wrote:
> I want to add some functionality into ubiquity, an option for
> encrypted hard drive.
> I'd also like to have that LVM sit on top of that encrypted hard
> drive. I wrote a shell script to install this way once
> <http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=293299>.
> Instead of updating the shell script to work with gutsy I mite as well
> make a branch of Ubiquity for encrypted hard drive installs.
> Is there a website somewhere with a nice readme on how to add features
> to ubuquity? Or even a flowchart on how it works. At least a SVN repo
> that i can build patchs against? I can't seem to find anything.
> Thanks
> Eli Criffield

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