[ubuntu-in] 12.4 doesnt detect wifi networks

Aditya Muley adityamuley at gmail.com
Sat Jul 7 14:19:42 UTC 2012

replying on my office pc...

On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 6:25 PM, Niam Computech <niamcomputech at gmail.com>wrote:

> On 7/7/2012 2:06 PM, Aditya Muley wrote:
>> unfortunately i connot connet through ethernet either as i do not
>> possess an ethernet connection
> How are you replying to us on this mailing list?
> Without internet you won't be able to download newer packages (or drivers)
> after an upgrade thus you won't be able to resolve this issue.
> I suggest is to take your Laptop to some computer shop and ask them to
> plug in an ethernet cable from their modem/router so that you can have
> internet access. After that follow as below :-
> In a terminal type the following command [don't write 'terminal>']
> terminal> sudo apt-get purge bcmwl-kernel-source
> then
> terminal> sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source
> This will then rebuild your driver.
> Let us know how you get on
> You can either restart your pc or if this is a pain type the following
> commands in the terminal which will 'switch on' your wireless
> terminal> sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb wl
> then
> terminal> sudo modprobe wl
> Now, there is a bug in Ubuntu 12.04 which does NOT enable your broadcom
> wifi drivers on boot thus you need to run above 2 commands everytime you
> start your PC [laptop]
> I hope this solves your query.
> -- Chetan Mittal
> Buy Ubuntu powered PCs from Niam Computech
> http://www.niamcomputech.com
> --
> ubuntu-in mailing list
> ubuntu-in at lists.ubuntu.com
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Aditya A. Muley
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