[ubuntu-in] New Linux User's Group: WBUT.LXUG

satyaakam goswami satyaakam at gmail.com
Wed Feb 16 05:08:14 UTC 2011

 On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 2:57 AM, PRABIN DATTA <linux.n.pkd at gmail.com>wrote:

> > mind you lang people are watching you and you are about to be in the
> state where you would be needed to be placed somewhere.
> Thanks!! Satyaakam for pointing out my mistake. By using that word I
> just want to express the situation. Okay! sorry to everyone.

> 1st reason for writing about this group on this mailing list is to get
> helps and suggestions from you people and happy to say that I have
> already started receiving helps and suggestions from you people.
> Why I have created this group??
> * Group shouldn't be bounded to any Distribution like fedora, Ubuntu, etc.

not possible , it will remain your dream , also you should know you do not
have time and energy even if you have how long will you doing it , any  way
we have been around and will be around to keep an eye on your thoughts.

> * Each and every year there are atleast 3/4 events conducted by wbut
> students. But both organisers and attendees face problem due to the
> lack of any common place. Few of the problems are:
> 1. many students who want to attain these events missed out due to lack of
> news.

fossevents.in was conceived for the same purpose , talk about it work on it

> 2. if there is any change in date or time then organiser can update
> the info on event's wiki (or web) page but if any attendee missed out
> those changes, will cause problems.
> 3. lack of experienced volunteers.
> and many more.
> Also, a group like this will help to bring forward many hidden talents
> and at the same time, it will be helpful for Linux users.
> > which means folks not on facebook can't join.
> +
> > If you want to have some real service to the community,
> > come out of facebook and other social networks to build the community.
> First, I have though about this. But later on talking with fedora
> guys, I found that there are already many groups created like this and
> almost all failed.
> Also, I couldn't find any free website i.e., providing wiki pages
> where anyone can write (information, FAQ, etc) about Linux and also
> providing mailing list. Ya! Group shouldn't be bounded to any
> Distribution like fedora, Ubuntu, etc.

ok here is my piece of advice like what others have said , you can
contribute by writing code , be it fedora , ubuntu or any other distro all
will get benefited also it will help you in your career .... having said
that what you do today  will decide your future path ..

have a nice day , i am out of this thread.

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