[ubuntu-in] Problem installing Maverick on lenovo

Neha Jain neha.hbti.it at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 17:49:21 UTC 2011

Ok thanks to all of you.
I got the driver installed, without hassles once I got connected via LAN..
and now Broadcom STA is installed and hence I can go wireless!
Yeah, I have got a rather older version of kernel 2.6.35-22-generic.. it
works fine with it..

On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 7:00 PM, James Sebastian
<james.sebastian at gmail.com>wrote:

>> On 3 February 2011 17:46, Neha Jain <neha.hbti.it at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I tried to run maverick first from the CD, live everything was working
>>>> absolutely fine. Then I installed(simply, erase and install) maverick on the
>>>> machine, but it ended up with an I/O error. I tried again, again the same
>>>> error. Next time I tried to install after rebooting, though it got
>>>> installed, but when I tried to activate the Broadcom STA wireless driver, it
>>>> never showed up in the apt-cache or in the
>>>> system->admininstrator->additional drivers.
>>>> May not be related, but be aware that broadcom driver can be broken due
> to latest kernel. So validate that you are not on latest kernel from ubuntu.
> I faced problem  Broadcom STA driver failing to load  on
> linux-image-2.6.32-25-generic (the latest kernel update which appeared today
> in my update manager.). I reverted back to linux-image-2.6.35-24-generic and
> got my Broadcom STA driver working again.
> I filed a bug on it  as below.
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/712293
> Regards,
> James
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Neha )))))
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