[ubuntu-in] Rolling distributions and rolling away from Ubuntu

Ramnarayan.K ramnarayan.k at gmail.com
Thu Sep 9 12:22:39 BST 2010

On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Easwar Hariharan <meindian523 at gmail.com>wrote:

> Windows XP fits in 5 GB space. Just that it doesn't leave any space
> for anything else to be installed after installing the drivers. ;) (my
> experiment) If you just want an OS, XP is for you,Vista/7 are
> definitely not.If you want a functional system along with the OS in 5
> GB of space, yep, Linux is the way to go.
> my root
/dev/sda7              22G   12G  8.3G  60% / (or toot)

Linux has tonnes of stuff installed - almost anything i could think of and
then some :-)

and dual wincedows (XP)

/dev/sda1              21G   15G  5.6G  73% /media/IBM_PRELOAD

Windows has quite a bit of open source stuff like ooo.org. gimp. audacity
etc and apart from the OS everything elses in FOSS

and this is my stable usable machine

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