[ubuntu-in] Rolling distributions and rolling away from Ubuntu

Nitesh Mistry mailbox at mistrynitesh.net
Thu Sep 9 11:12:32 BST 2010

On Thu, Sep 09, 2010 at 03:21:50PM +0530, Narendra Diwate wrote:
> I remember i had started the discussion on Rolling releases.
> I have moved from Opensuse 9 to 10 to 11 and 11.1 and then to Ubuntu 9.10,
> 10.04 and will move to 10.10 when it comes out. This is to me is a lot of
> work that i would like to avoid. That was the logic and reasoning for the
> post. And I was looking at advice to install Arch, though the documentation
> is quite detailed, it needs a live internet connection that I dont have (See
> my other post about Sify, I need to login thru a browser). That is the only
> reason I backed out of Arch. Otherwise I like its philosophy of simple and
> elegant code and little cruft.
> I also considered Sabayon and Sidux, as also AntiX, but decided to wait out,
> before taking the plunge.
> I will install a rolling release for sure, when i am a little more
> experienced with both command line and trouble shooting.
> I read the Mint Debian Edition blog today and loved it, as it is a Rolling
> release. However i too will wait till 64bit comes out and the project
> matured a bit more.
> And Linux Mint is not moving to debian as base, but merely releasing another
> edition based on Debian. I can install a few more distros on my system as i
> have free partitions available for them, but i am not just because they
> involve a big download.
> But surely I am a Rolling Release guy who is using Ubuntu till he is more
> comfortable with Linux in general. I am also a frugal guy who believes an OS
> should not use up a huge amount of HD space. So something that fits in 4-5
> GB max is what i will install.

Why don't you try Debian testing? It seems to be most popular rolling
release distro.

Nitesh Mistry

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