[ubuntu-in] If not Ubuntu then what

Mallikarjun(ಮಲ್ಲಿಕಾರ್ಜುನ್) mallik.v.arjun at gmail.com
Wed Mar 24 07:15:18 GMT 2010

On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 12:33 PM, K Ramnarayan <ramnarayan.k at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> This isn't exactly a poll but thought that it would be good to know what
> people would choose if they had to move away from Ubuntu.
> Before saying anything i want to put this on record. Ubuntu is one of the best
> distro's i have ever used. , its ease in installation, responsiveness to
> multitude of hardware, the incredibly large and varied repositories, the very
> decent derivatives (Mint, Ultimate etc) . The huge forum and support.
> Basically i like it very much
> Over the recent months there has been a lot of chatter about minor and maybe
> not so minor aspects.
> First there was the dropping and inclusion of different programmes (e.g. GIMP)
> not big things but when many small things add up they become to big.
> Then there is this
> Ubuntu is not a democracy, Mark Shuttleworth
> Sounds crazy saying it like that but to read what he had to say check out
> Mark Shuttleworth: "This is not a democracy"
> http://www.webupd8.org/2010/03/ubuntu-is-not-democratic.html
> and some related discussions
> http://www.osnews.com/story/23039/Kicking_in_Open_Doors_Open_Source_Is_Not_a_Democracy
> and
> http://www.itworld.com/open-source/101641/open-source-not-
> democracy?source=smlynch
> **
> There are many reasons to use Linux and one of them, for me, is not to be told
> what to do by a corporation. Sure Canonical is not the new M$, i doubt it can
> ever become that. (hope not)
> But what makes me uncomfortable is the extent of control Canonical is exerting
> over its user base. Many Linux folks , now, are first time linuxers changed
> over from Other OS' mainly because of Ubuntu.
> So not debating the specifics of Mark Shuttleworth's comments and the reactions
> and the interpretations, I am getting an uneasy feeling. That maybe just maybe
> we are becoming Ubuntu dependent and too complacent.
> I can walk blindfolded through a typical Ubuntu install and its subsequent
> setup of additional programmes, tweaking programmes to work like they should
> for me.  Knowing what repos to add to get exactly what software and where to
> source software (tuxwire, zyware).
> I cannot be happier with what i have. But what if we need to move to a freer
> system. Are there any other distro's out there. Sure there are 600 plus many
> of them with a passionate user base and with its attendant problem.
> My questions are how would people feel about trying out a distro other than
> Ubuntu (specially first time users), in fact have first time linux Ubuntu users
> tried other distro's and what do they feel.

I guess it is quiet hard for any Ubuntu user to move to some other
distro, as Ubuntu is the most polished GNU/linux which I can think of.
But any other distro out there has same Desktop environment (GNOME),
only think we can ever miss is the polishness and not the underlying
Best alter I can think of is Ubuntu's parent Debian.

> I started of with fedora 1 and went through a variety and can make another
> distro do to my bidding.
> My other question is how many of us dual boot a second linux OS and is your
> secondary OS as well set as your primary, are you comfortable with it, under
> all conditions.

I think. few years ago people were comfortable, but not anymore with
all the full OS virtualization tools like Virtualbox OSE. Everything
is easy in a virtual world, isn't it?

> My 3rd question is what would you suggest people try as a fall back option in
> case people want to try and alternative.


> My suggestions are Pardus, Mandriva, OpenSuse, Fedora, Knoppix
> Others have suggested Arch Linux
> The few times in the recent past when i tried another distro i very quickly
> reverted back to Ubuntu, since i was uncomfortable around my system but now i
> think its worth exploring an alternative in great earnest.

+1, I also tried many operating systems like Fedora, Debian, FreeBSD,
Solaris ............... But only Ubuntu had the taste I wanted (or may
be addiction). I am trying out FreeBSD in my virtual environment, hope
to make the switch to some OS which is completely community driven.

> look forward to reactions
> ram
> --
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