[ubuntu-in] If not Ubuntu then what
Ashutosh Rishi Ranjan
ashutoshrishi92 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 23 08:25:58 GMT 2010
> So not debating the specifics of Mark Shuttleworth's comments and the reactions
> and the interpretations, I am getting an uneasy feeling. That maybe just maybe
> we are becoming Ubuntu dependent and too complacent.
> I can walk blindfolded through a typical Ubuntu install and its subsequent
> setup of additional programmes, tweaking programmes to work like they should
> for me. Knowing what repos to add to get exactly what software and where to
> source software (tuxwire, zyware).
> I cannot be happier with what i have. But what if we need to move to a freer
> system. Are there any other distro's out there. Sure there are 600 plus many
> of them with a passionate user base and with its attendant problem.
Ubuntu has gone far from being a typical linux distro and its because
of canonical. Ubuntu is now capable of challenging the macintosh and
windows in their own game as a proper all-level consumer product.
Getting its own music-store, thats an amazing feat (and its possible
because of Canonical). Free and open source softwares are good. But in
the main OS battlefield you cannot place your linux OS without a
strong dedicated company (which will steer the advertising and
management) backing it. Of course, the linux OS can be amazing in
functioning, but thats it. It won't create much of an impact on
Canonical can rightfully guide ubuntu (and its amazing that they do it
as saints). Because ubuntu is getting so popular, its essential for
ubuntu to have Canonical securing its interests. The final decision to
what appears in ubuntu is Canonical's decision and they really have to
base their decision (now) on the fact that ubuntu is being eyed as a
fierce competitor to mac and windows (even though there are other good
linux OS, Ubuntu has entered the consumer stream more deeply). A good
proof of this happening is that all the major softwares when available
for download focus on ubuntu as a major consumer linux OS.
I love Ubuntu because frankly till now I have had no objections to
Canonical's decisions. I weigh their decisions in terms of its effect
on new users not me because I know that the decision won't really
affect me because I can choose what I want after installing the
default. Canonical does not enforce but merely makes their decisions
> My questions are how would people feel about trying out a distro other than
> Ubuntu (specially first time users), in fact have first time linux Ubuntu users
> tried other distro's and what do they feel.
> I started of with fedora 1 and went through a variety and can make another
> distro do to my bidding.
I tried fedora. Found it not much different from my experience on
ubuntu. Even though Ubuntu is moving to be more idiot-proof, it has
definitely not left behind the powerhouse of linux like what fedora
has. This is the best thing I like about ubuntu. You can team up
old-school and new-school. Plus, I found ubuntu's development and
package managers more better.
Another distro I tried was Archos. Its brilliant! and fun. You can
build your own OS based on your choice. I ruined my OS :P
> My other question is how many of us dual boot a second linux OS and is your
> secondary OS as well set as your primary, are you comfortable with it, under
> all conditions.
I had windows, ubuntu, fedora on the same computer. For some time I
used fedora more than Ubuntu to see whether I should keep it.
Eventually after a month I removed fedora from my main computer and
gave its space to Ubuntu. Though I have had mad varieties on linux OS
on my laptop. Currently I have Lucid beta1, Ubuntu karmic server and
archos. I use archos mainly.
> My 3rd question is what would you suggest people try as a fall back option in
> case people want to try and alternative.
> My suggestions are Pardus, Mandriva, OpenSuse, Fedora, Knoppix
> Others have suggested Arch Linux
I would suggest Fedora and so would Linus Torvald :)
> The few times in the recent past when i tried another distro i very quickly
> reverted back to Ubuntu, since i was uncomfortable around my system but now i
> think its worth exploring an alternative in great earnest.
> look forward to reactions
> ram
For me, I go with the fact that at the end of the day, "Ubuntu is just
linux OS with different packages than other OS, apt-get can get you
Ashutosh Rishi
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
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