[ubuntu-in] Problem (*.exe files Ubuntu India Local Community

Kartik S drskartik at gmail.com
Mon Jun 21 15:28:13 BST 2010

> I started using Ubuntu 9.10 in March'10...since then I've Windows on my comp
> as well...soon after, I noticed that inside every folder there was a file
> {foldername}.exe
> Initially I thought it was a "windows" virus...and tried to clean it up
> using McAffee ...but even though I'm using Ubuntu more often...I end up
> getting them back..and even without using Windows....
> I'm sure its not normal for a ".exe" file to be created on its own in
> Ubuntu....what shall I do..I'm not using any antivirus..I've CLAMAV..but I
> don't know how to use the command-line version...

It seems you have .exe folders in your Ubuntu folders. Are you using Wine?
If you are using CLAMAV with GUI then use recursive scan, or using
command line type:
clamscan -r /home --remove
This will scan your home directory in this example, hopefully it
solves your problem.

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