[ubuntu-in] gnome ppp problem solve

Amarendra Kumar er.amar at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 14:18:30 GMT 2010

Yes, Ram is right. I suggested otherwise in a thread because I wanted that
particular user to keep it simple, and in my case it's becasue I sync my
system with my external hard disk almost thrice a day sometimes.

/home is good.

I would say +1 :)

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 3:52 PM, Ramnarayan.K <ramnarayan.k at gmail.com>wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 2:09 PM, Shashi Bhushan <bhushanx.cool at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > thank you very much sir
> > my problem solved.
> > but does it worked with ubuntu 9.10, I am scared if it not worked then I
> > have to reinstall ubuntu9.04 again. and it will formatt my whole drive.
> :-) all the advise i gave you was for 9.10 so sure it will work.
> and am quite happy that you are able to connect to the net via Ubuntu.
> Now you can enjoy real freedom.
> ***
> regarding having to reformat
> my suggestion to all Linux newcomers make sure you partition your hard
> disk to have a separate /home - this will mean you never have to worry
> about your data being lost in a reinstall or new install
> My typical partition scheme looks like this
> /dev/sda1: ="IBM_PRELOAD" TYPE="ntfs" 15 GB
> /dev/sda2: = SHARED "ntfs" 20 GB
> /dev/sda4: = ext4 Boot 100 MB
> /dev/sda6: LABEL=Swap" 4 GB
> /dev/sda7: = ext4 /(or root) 15 GB
> /dev/sda8 = ext 4 /home - 100 GB
> As you can see the last partition is /home where i keep my data i have
> never had to reinstall / reformat this partition and the only time i
> had to do so was when shifting from ext3 to ext 4 for which i backed
> my home up in an external drive (normal procedure to be followed for
> safe data keeping) and then changed to ext4 and voila back to normal.
> ram
> /dev/sda9: UUID="5333b440-117c-482d-9033-d6533ca45710" TYPE="ext4"
> --
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Amarendra Kumar
Final Year Undergraduate
Dept. of IT, NIT Patna
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