[ubuntu-in] Gloat Gloat

Ramnarayan.K ramnarayan.k at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 05:51:49 GMT 2010

Hi Ravi

On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 11:12 AM, Ravi Kumar <ra21vi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Ram,
> First of all, nothing is secure - this is the key.

Yep, but the difference is in, as an example, having a home full of
open windows and doors and by default not even having locks [aka M$
;-) ] or having a ready made secure home and then leaving it up to you
to start to leave things unlocked (Linux)

The new M$ mantra is "life without walls" tfm* - what they really mean
is life within a gilded cage and you pay for the gold and the cage.

tfm = trade Effing mark

> No Idea what MS IE 8 has in terms of security.
> But I totally agree with you, India is not really geared towards progress in
> atleast IT. Politicians, who are just about to die like a over-ripped
> mangoes on tree,
> They invest $$$$$ for MS Office package. Why they don't use OOo, maybe they
> don't know. They don't trust. OOo.org can't pay hefty sum to the decision
> maker in govt body. Jyotish-shastra predicted not to use the Office package
> brand starting with O.

you hit the moon on the start ;-)

jyokish cashtra is what it is.


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