[ubuntu-in] Gloat Gloat

Ramnarayan.K ramnarayan.k at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 03:35:53 GMT 2010


couldn't resist have a laugh about who all are vulnerable to various
M$ based vulneabilities

1. China tried to hack our computers: MK Narayanan
Snippet "The hackers reportedly launched an attack using a 'Trojan'
virus in order to access the computer remotely and download of delete

Trust india's most sensitive stuff to not just be vulnerable to
virus's attacks , guess they won't ever learn, that there are better
ways than M$ to use computers and be relatively safe without much

2. German government warns against using MS Explorer
snippet "Microsoft rejected the warning, saying that the risk to users
was low and that the browsers' increased security setting would
prevent any serious risk.However, German authorities say that even
this would not make IE fully safe. "

Finally the icing on the cake even the french are
3. France joins Germany warning against Internet Explorer
snippet Certa, a government agency that oversees cyber threats, warned
against using all versions of the web browser"

the the MS guys make a joke "But Microsoft told BBC News that IE8 was
the "most secure browser on the market" and people should upgrade. "

wow what f****king arrogance first you allow people to get vulnerable
and then tell them to buy / get yet another piece of shit.

anyways good to know that some of us atleast sleep peacefully at night
and our worries are not about is my data safe

So Linuxeros and Ubunteros i think we have earned the right to gloat a bit ;-)


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