[ubuntu-in] Booting Ubuntu 10.04 from ISO using grub2

Sandeep Raghuraman sandy.8925 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 17 04:48:52 BST 2010

It's possible to boot Ubuntu 10.04 from the ISO using grub 2 ! You can do
this with the current beta versions too. I've tested with Ubuntu 10.04 Beta
1 ISO.

I found out how to do this from this awesome guide for GRUB:


The page for booting ISO's using grub is here:


This can only be used for distros that actually support this feature. I
guess Knoppix would work with this.

You'll have to add the following to your /boot/grub/grub.cfg file.Add it
just before the line containing "### END /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###"

echo "Adding Ubuntu 10.04 Beta1 ISO boot entry" >&2
cat << EOF
menuentry "Ubuntu 10.04 Beta1 ISO" {
loopback loop (hdx,x)/path_to_iso
linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=path_to_iso
noprompt noeject quiet splash
initrd (loop)/casper/initrd.lz

The x in (hdx,x) must be replaced by the appropriate numbers. It refers to a
disk partition. For example on my system /dev/sda3 is my Ubuntu partition
and it is (hd0,3).

path_to_iso must be replaced by the path to the iso file. For example if the
ISO is stored in your Downloads folder the loopback and linux lines would

loopback loop
linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper
noprompt noeject quiet splash

It works faster than booting from a CD. You can check out the new theme and
the change in the minimize,maximize,exit buttons which have been placed on
the left. A bit annoying for me since I tend to move the mouse to the right
whenever I want to use those. Gimp has been removed and the Pitivi video
editor is now included.

Have fun!

Please tell me if there any errors here and correct them if you can.
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