[ubuntu-in] How to verify actual space on a disk (maybe OT)

Ramnarayan.K ramnarayan.k at gmail.com
Mon Apr 12 13:20:52 BST 2010

2010/4/12 Mallikarjun <mallik.v.arjun at gmail.com>:
>> Recently a friend of mine brought a USB pen Drive (Flash Disk) of 500
>> GB for Rs 1500-/ from Palika Bazaar.
> If this is true, surely I would like to know the device specifications, and
> would like to own one for myself.
> 2)Copy a image/movie of bigger size say 4-5 GB, and then duplicate same
> image multiple times so that it does not take any time but fill up the
> remaining space (This is the best idea I can think of...)

will do this

hate to be a spoil sport though, however i like my hat and also its
made of tough cotton

another friend sent these links



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