[ubuntu-in] common issue

Shrikant Khanduri shrikant.khanduri at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 17:58:52 BST 2010

4gv ur ignorance :)
you just configuring your modem settings ..
A HTTP server and DHCP server Runs inside the modem, where HTTP server is to
provide you web interface (secured) to configure modem settings and DHCP
server is to provide you automatic (Dynamic) IP.

On 7 April 2010 00:17, Atreya Chowdhury <atreya.chowdhury at gmail.com> wrote:

> awryt guys herez a common issue sm ppl myt hv faced whyl using bsnl or mtnl
> broadband on ubuntu karmic koala...(me faced it so jus thot of sharing)
> after getting a modem its pretty complicated to configure it according to
> the ubuntu terms....so herez an easy way....n skipped out on the hard
> way....
> 1> get ur modem connected to a windows comp
> 2> in d run terminal type
> 3> a window shud open...
> 4> u-id and pwd is 'admin' and 'admin'
> 5> move over to the internet connections tab and then follow the commands
> till a screen presents u wid a user id n pwd...
>     *here-in type ur u-id n pwd
> 6>restart ur modem...not physically but by using the option present..
> 7>switch over to ubuntu
> 8>plug in the ethernet wire in2 the port
> 9>add a new wired connection
> 10>check-out the connect automatically check-box
> 11>name it "auto eth0"  *this is the most important part...
> 12>thts it....
> therez anoder way to do it but i guess it needs the MAC address
> wud luv to know it though..
> m a new user...so 4gv my ignorance....
> --
> Rtr.Atreya Roy Chowdhury || RI Dist :: 3291 || Web Designer ||
> atreya.chowdhury at googlewave.com || atreya.chowdhury at gmail.com || Call ::
>  91-33-2664-3279 ||
> --
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