[ubuntu-in] common issue

Atreya Chowdhury atreya.chowdhury at gmail.com
Tue Apr 6 19:47:20 BST 2010

awryt guys herez a common issue sm ppl myt hv faced whyl using bsnl or mtnl
broadband on ubuntu karmic koala...(me faced it so jus thot of sharing)

after getting a modem its pretty complicated to configure it according to
the ubuntu terms....so herez an easy way....n skipped out on the hard

1> get ur modem connected to a windows comp
2> in d run terminal type
3> a window shud open...
4> u-id and pwd is 'admin' and 'admin'
5> move over to the internet connections tab and then follow the commands
till a screen presents u wid a user id n pwd...
    *here-in type ur u-id n pwd
6>restart ur modem...not physically but by using the option present..
7>switch over to ubuntu
8>plug in the ethernet wire in2 the port
9>add a new wired connection
10>check-out the connect automatically check-box
11>name it "auto eth0"  *this is the most important part...
12>thts it....

therez anoder way to do it but i guess it needs the MAC address
wud luv to know it though..
m a new user...so 4gv my ignorance....

Rtr.Atreya Roy Chowdhury || RI Dist :: 3291 || Web Designer ||
atreya.chowdhury at googlewave.com || atreya.chowdhury at gmail.com || Call ::
 91-33-2664-3279 ||
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