[ubuntu-in] Firefox in ubuntu: online transactions

Ravi Kumar ra21vi at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 18:41:41 GMT 2009

On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 9:53 PM, Kartik S <drskartik at gmail.com> wrote:

>  I tried paying my BSNL landline and mobile bills online using Firefox 3.0.
> I could complete my landline transaction, but not my Cellone using firefox.
> I also tried user agent switcher( Internet explorer) . Ultimately I
> succeeded using windows xp in  virtual box(using IE of course).

Yes, there are many sites, which proudly say they work on IE only. I cannot
remember, but perhaps PNB bank site even says "For secure transaction, use
IE only" and works with IE only. I don't know why? Mainly this is not wrong
with the PNB, but those Software Giants in India, which has most faith in
Microsoft technologies and had never peeked out of their room. They may not
be knowing about the wornderful opensource available to us and the bleeding
edge technology.

So, perhaps, while browsing these sites, you won't be able to perform the
transaction. You can try to use the IE4Linux (i guess the name is correct)
on Ubuntu for those sites, or can have Windows on VirtualBox for such
difficult situation. :)

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