[ubuntu-in] Alternative to OpenOfficeOrg Word

Ramnarayan.K ramnarayan.k at gmail.com
Mon Oct 19 17:13:47 BST 2009


Ok some responses:

> I agree it is a great software. but sometimes very annoying
> I have been using from quiet some time, not one to mention i have seen many
> while using, some to mention
> 1) when i paste something in the document, it will not appear but will be
> pasted

is it something copied from a webpage -with mixed sources - i too face
a problem when pasting content from a webpage but avoid it by pasting
as text only - unless i need some format or image as well.

> 2) If I keep my document open and suspend my system, upon resume, my system
> will almost hang up. Only after closing document it will function properly

I rarely suspend - but have not had this problem.

> 3) Other day one of my friend faced problem with password protect (Sometimes
> works but not always)

hmmm. no idea about this last

have you checked for bugs
 are you running the latest compatible version - with all updates -
often minor / and major bugs get resolved with all compatible updates
being done.


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