[ubuntu-in] 1 additional point

Moz listmoz at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 18:47:06 GMT 2009

Hi Suranjan
> The m17n folder is nonetheless appearing at the location 
> /usr/share/m17n. And there I pasted the file "hi-baraha.mim". I have 
> provided the above information in case it may explain why SCIM does 
> not open when giving the trigger command "ctrl-space".
I use the English-Hindi and Hindi-English using the dictd server. For
that you need to install the dictd, dict packages and dependencies (I
use sudo apt-get install dictd dict). And then install the free
dictionaries you want, for example, for the above mentioned dictionaries
you'd run the following command:

sudo apt-get install dict-freedict-eng-hin dict-freedict-hin-eng

And then at the shell prompt you can use

dict -d fd-eng-hin <word>

for English to Hindi.

Getting SCIM to work is a bit of work, but I have also used the link
provided by Mehul Ved in response to your query and it should work.


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