[ubuntu-in] Including support for FOSS in election manifestos

Guru गुरु guru at itforchange.net
Tue Mar 10 12:08:26 GMT 2009


As our society becomes increasingly dependent on digital structures and 
processes, software as a basic building principle of such digital 
structures and processes becomes an important factor determining the 
nature of society.

Free  and Open Source Software (FOSS) has significant benefits for 
society from political, equity, socio-cultural, pedagogical  and 
economic considerations. (For  more information and FOSS and  Why FOSS, 
you could visit  http://www.public-software.in).

We would therefore like to appeal to all the political parties to 
include support for FOSS in their election manifestos. If you think you 
would like to participate in this appeal, please visit 
http://public-software.in/FOSS-manifesto to enlist your support to this 

Please email contact at public-software.in 
<mailto:contact at public-software.in> in case you need any clarifications.

for Network of FOSS community in India (http://FOSSCOM.in)

Gurumurthy Kasinathan
IT for Change
Bridging Development Realities and Technological Possibilities
Tel:98454 37730
*IT for Change is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with United 
Nations’ Economic and Social Council*

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