[ubuntu-in] need help - for rebooting / opening

ranjan das gupta ranjan.nhce at gmail.com
Sat Aug 22 15:15:01 BST 2009

also u might want to have a a read at this before u ply around with your

On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 7:43 PM, ranjan das gupta <ranjan.nhce at gmail.com>wrote:

> sivakumar,I do not have an idea about chennai,but u can land up with an
> order online on
> www.rainbowcomputech.com/
> or ww.roseindia.net
> they will provide u with a copy at minimal cost...
> As in chennai i am sure we have GLUGs there(GNU linux user groups)
> they r there in almost every city.......check out one at ur city.
> They will surely help u out....
> U can also download the cd from ubuntu website...arnd 699 mb..
> enjoy
> On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 6:41 PM, sivakumar bharadhwaj <
> jeyendrasiva at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Sir,
>> Ubuntu (and for that matter any LINUX) makes us to explore - sometimes
>> blundering into things.
>> I just wanted to evaluate (!!!!!) for myself - about my Jaunty to open
>> SUSE 11.  I just did this for this reason.
>> As you rightly pointed out, I would now not venture too much into these -
>> till I learn more.
>> As for as 8.04 - what is that (is it herdy heron - forgive me if I am
>> wrong), where will I get a CD in chennai.
>> Is there any solution for my problem ...
>> sivakumar
>> chennai
>> On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 12:56 PM, ranjan das gupta <ranjan.nhce at gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Sivakumar messing with the grub is not perhaps any newbie would like to
>>> do.....but it is nice to know u made a start....
>>> So your grub config file which is /boot/grub/menu.lst need to be
>>> reconfigured....
>>> net is flooding with tutorials to do that
>>> But i warn u jaunty is not my personal favaourite...still got a large no.
>>> of bugs...So i recommend using 8.04 LTS
>>> Happy hacking
>>> ranjan
>>> .
>>> On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 6:14 PM, sivakumar bharadhwaj <
>>> jeyendrasiva at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> I am using (now become my favourite) JAUNTY - and enjoying every moment
>>>> - for the past 2 months. And some of my collegues too have starting
>>>> installing Jaunty, and they too are very very happy about it. (not about it
>>>> being FREE, but the freedom to mix, and customise it for their / my desktop
>>>> !!!). Further I am a newbie to LINUX, have been a faithful windows (from DOS
>>>> days - XP).
>>>> I have grub installed, have XP & Jaunty, in my laptop - Lenovo 3000
>>>> G530. 250 GB, 2 GB ram, integrated camera - 5 months old.
>>>> Yesterday, I installed, with some difficulty OPEN SUSE 11.  and my
>>>> problem started.
>>>> I could see in the initial boot - grub - OPEN SUSE 11, ubuntu 9.04,
>>>> microsoft xp.
>>>> But when I clicked / enter - It did not boot, and says - no software
>>>> detected.  still the same situation.
>>>> BUT, I USED JAUNTY LIVE CD - and could take out the documents and files
>>>> in my thumb drive.  so my datas are safe now. LIVE CD is a REAL HELP in
>>>> these situations.  WHEN PC / LAPTOP DO NOT BOOT, and you want to secure your
>>>> files,  IT HELPS SO MUCH.
>>>> stuff.
>>>> But, at the same time, help me to open my favourite Jaunty - in my usual
>>>> way, and I want to delete OPEN SUSE 11. Want to have only Jaunty & XP.
>>>> Help me.
>>>> Thanks once again, folks !!!
>>>> s. sivakumar
>>>> chennai
>>>> 93810 66558
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