[ubuntu-in] wireless in Hardy

AlgoMantra algomantra at gmail.com
Mon May 5 04:32:06 BST 2008

> This is the command you should run, once the b43-fwcutter package is
> installed.
> 'b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta-' (Replace .o
> filename appropriately)

*Dear Onkar*, the b43-fwcutter package installed this time, after I skipped
the option to
fetch firmware. then I ran this command, and it identified the wl_apsta file
but said
in the end that "failed to create output directory: Permission denied".

> You can check output of command 'dmesg' after few minutes to check if
> firmware got loaded. If it doesn't then restart the machine.

I didn't wait much but running dmesg gave the info that "Firmware file
not found or load failed." It suggested that I use Version 4 from
Now I am looking at this section on the page, but I can't decide how to move
forward. There are so many versions of the same procedure. Can you help?
Perhaps I just need the right firmware version. How do I identify and what
is the command?

Also, I'm not able to understand this line: "*Note that you must adjust the
FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR path to your distribution. The standard place where
firmware is installed to is /lib/firmware*."

(I tried restarting also, but no luck with wifi yet.)

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