[ubuntu-in] What happened to ubuntu-in development ?

Parthan SR parth.technofreak at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 08:21:37 GMT 2008

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Bhavani Shankar R wrote:
> @Kingsly..
> Let me put it straight..
> I was not telling I am contributing to Gobuntu.. I was just saying Its
based on the Gobuntu Idea
> with support for major  Indian Languages.. Let me put these questions
to you:
> Do you contribute to ubuntu actively enough?
> If yes.. Show me your Launchpad page with any sort of contribution..
> If no, why dont you open up a page and start active contribution rather
than finding holes in doughnuts..?
> If you decide not to contribute then tell me the reason as to why are
you here with a ton of criticisms for whatever the others do?
> If you tell you are under work pressure cant do it on a regular basis I
will show you a number of examples in our community who are working but
still actively contributing to debian and ubuntu in whichever way they can..
> Lastly, Dont flame, If you dont have the time on your hands to
contribute.. Please let interested people contribute.
> --
> Bhavani Shankar.R
> https://launchpad.net/~bhavi , a proud ubuntu community  member.
> What matters in life is application of mind!,
> It makes great sense to have some common sense..!
And will you ever read the Mailing List Guidelines and follow
netiquettes  of  chopping off  parts from previous mails and quoting 
only directly related parts to which you are answering? Half of your
mails end up in admin's box because you are including too much quoted
content in your replies.

Thanks in advance.

- --
With Regards,
Parthan aka Technofreak

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