[ubuntu-in] ubuntu-in Digest, Vol 23, Issue 6

Anurag Mishra mishranurag at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 12:38:11 GMT 2008

Dear All,

Thanks for your amazing response. I will call my dad today again and see if
has gotten his issue resolved.  I will contact you appropriately.  He does
not have too much experience with computer itself and since nobody around
him knows what is Linux, cause the major issues. If somebody lives in
Allahabad that would help a lot.

I will talk to him again and let you know guys.
Thanks again,

Today's Topics:
>   1.  Help with BSNL and UBUNTU in Allahabad (Anurag Mishra)
>   2. Re:  Help with BSNL and UBUNTU in Allahabad (Deepak Mittal)
>   3. Re:  Help with BSNL and UBUNTU in Allahabad (Jayanth S)
>   4. Re:  Help with BSNL and UBUNTU in Allahabad (Onkar Shinde)

Anurag Mishra
Graduate Research Assistant,
Biological Systems Engineering,
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA-24061.
Phone: (540) 231 -2083 (office)
(540) 239-4436 (cell)
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