[ubuntu-in] Ubuntu-IN Hosting Issues

Aanjhan R aanjhan at gmail.com
Tue Dec 23 11:13:05 GMT 2008

Hello fellow Ubunteros,

Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a great New year 2009. Thanks a lot
for being part of this wonderful community and sharing your questions,
issues, solutions and other general stuff here. As you all know, we
moved recently from Canonical hosted website to our own hosting which
means self funding. We successfully ran the first year with no
hiccups. Huge Huge thanks to Ghose. Now the hosting provider has
doubled their rates and we would require about 9000 INR per year to
keep running the show.

It will be great if some of us could pitch in and contribute how much
ever we can. The new rates are effective from Jan 2009. Please get in
touch with admins at ubuntu-in dot info if interested so that we can
provide more details.

Thanks in advance and have a great new year ahead.

With best Regards

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