[ubuntu-in] DVD not mounting on Gutsy

Kingsly John member+ubuntu at kingsly.net
Fri Apr 4 22:35:43 BST 2008

+++ Onkar Shinde [2008-04-05 02:05:09]:

> On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 7:02 PM, Vivek Khurana <hiddenharmony at gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 1:23 PM, Mir Nazim <mirnazim at gmail.com> wrote:
> >  > Hello all
> >  >
> >  >  I am completely unable to mount the movie DVD on gutsy.
> >  >
> >  >  I was working earlier but then did not watch any movie for quite some.
> >  >
> >  >  Some quick search Google/Ubuntu Forums tell me that updates are
> >  >  culprits. I verified on an un-updated system and DVD mounts easily.
> >  >
> >  >  Any ideas what could wrog.
> >
> >   Looks like ubuntu QA is the culprit again...
> I would like 'Ubuntu QA' not being blamed for following reasons
> 1. Ubuntu QA is not a well defined team. It includes almost anyone who
> does packaging, bug reporting/triaging/fixing and anyone who
> uses/tests Ubuntu.

No it doesn't include so many people... there is a specific package
maintainer who has responsibility for a package.. and at the very least
should check if something basic like starting mailman or inserting an optical
disc has the expected result.

> 3. More often than not the hardware problems that come in the form of
> regressions are side effects of supposedly harmless change or
> security/bug fix that someone did.

No, regressions have little to do with hardware... the hardware is a
constant.. it's the code that is the problem.

> 4. It is my firm belief that all of the core developers in Ubuntu who
> have power to crash your systems through the way of broken packages,
> take very much care not to let it happen. But it is many times not
> possible to test all the scenarios which might introduce regressions.

Murphy will ensure that regressions can and will continue to happen .. but
they should not happen for such basic functionality.

And there is no reason to justify such regressions.

What next justify the security issues on Windows because MS Employees are
human too ?


PS: I have no idea if the DVD is issue is a regression or not ... I just don't
think trying to justify it is the right attitude.
     Kingsly At Users Dot SourceForge Dot Net  -- http://kingsly.org/

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