[ubuntu-in] ubuntu India website redesign

Aanjhan R aanjhan at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 16:11:23 BST 2007

On 10/17/07, Lut4rp <lut4rp at techjugaad.com> wrote:
> Yeah, this was the MAJOR point of the discussion. All major wiki's I
> have seen have nice navigation. One of my all time favorites: The
> IMHO we do require an overhaul, but since I have been personally
> attached to Drupal for quite some time, I suggested it. And yes, there

You hit the bull's eye! Its the navigation that needs to be improved
and since you yourself have pointed a wiki site with good navigation
why not try to get it done for Ubuntu-IN site instead of arguing on
moving to a completely new solution. If you guys feel that the
existing wiki infrastructure cannot be restructured/is not flexible
then I am sorry to say this, you got it wrong. Please feel free to try
out/ create nice navigation schemes and load it somewhere such that we
begin to refine it.

Please upload and let the next message be, "New theme for Ubuntu-IN
site for comments" rather than "All gas and no S***" :-)

a.k.a Tuxmaniac
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