[ubuntu-in] Reg Project Day @ foss.in 20007

Aanjhan R aanjhan at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 18:18:48 GMT 2007


On Nov 12, 2007 4:57 PM, Parthan S R <parth.technofreak at gmail.com> wrote:
> [2] We have to decide whether we are going to prepare handouts and
> other stuff to those attending oru PD.

We already made a draft handout for CarteBlanche! We shall base any
further hand out on that if possible. We have a banner I suppose with
Onkar (I mean the Ubuntu-IN banner) which we shall use in stalls (if
we decide to have one) or during the Project day.

I am in the process of creating a Debian/Ubuntu Project day promotion
jpg. It would be nice if some "artists" pitch in and help us on this.

All the PD speakers, if they give in their handout data, one person
can collect all these info and make a single handout with references
and websites on them.

I think we need to start assigning tasks and responsibilities. I
suggest Wiki method here. if everyone accepts can we create a page for

Suggestions welcome.

> [3] Do we have any plans to get a Ubuntu-In stall ?

What do we plan to show off in this stall? Is this stall allowed to be
present throughout the conference?


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