[ubuntu-in] desperately seeking PCMCIA modem that works on Linux

Priyadarsan Roy priyadarsanroy at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 04:23:55 GMT 2007

Hi Ram,

> 1. Suggestions for PCMCIA modems that work on Linux (if possible based
> on personal experiences)

Are you referring to the the 56 K modem cards. I guess there are a few
that does work with linux as reported in this page
http://tuxmobil.org/pcmcia_linux.html ( search in page for modem 56

You can go for the Airtel/reliance/Tata indicom USB once if possible.
These work with linux.  I would suggest go for these USB since it will
be much faster that our plain old PSTN dial ups.

> 2. Places where they can be bought (in india - esp delhi, bangalore ,
> chennai)

Reliance/ Tata Indicom USB once are available every where I guess. Not
sure though. I have seen them in their outlets in Bangalore.


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