[ubuntu-in] (no subject)

Gora Mohanty gora at sarai.net
Wed May 9 07:27:29 BST 2007

On Tue, 2007-05-08 at 20:57 +0100, Roshan wrote:
> Hello Lists, (see header)
> I am using Kubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake) on my second
> hdd and three applications, Konqueror, Konverstaion
> and Kopete (yes, KDE - Kyonki haha) on my MTNL Triband
> line, without specifying the DNS.

> I finally, decided to add the DNS servers provided by
> MTNL, and wow! apt-get could finally understand what
> it is supposed to connect to and fetched updates. 

Um, why exactly were you surprised with this? Of course,
DNS needs to be set up properly in order for name
resolution to work. Once you get tired of MTNL's sorry
excuse for DNS, run your own with the named package.

> Can I (if I get one) use the Kubuntu 6.06 DVD as a
> source for installing common applications (such as say
> GCC 3.x or 4.x, Java 1.4.x JRE 1.5.x etc?)

Yes, this can be done, provided that the applications are
actually on the DVD, e.g., I am not so sure about the JRE,
presuming that you are referring to the Sun version. What
you need to do is to add the DVD to /etc/apt/sources.list.
Google should turn up various links telling you how to do
this, e.g., http://www.debianhelp.org/node/6706 If you are
unfamiliar with apt, and would like a GUI, try synaptic. It
will let you easily add a CD/DVD as a source.


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