[ubuntu-in] How to Connect to internet using ADSL router in Ubuntu 7.04 ?

Bhasker C V linux at unixindia.com
Sun May 6 04:53:47 BST 2007

As Mehul told, the best way would be to connect via LAN port.
There are 2 methods in ADSL.
one is where you connect via LAN card and dialup in the machine.
The other is where you give the dialup credentials in the ADSL modem
itself. This method will be the most easiet one since the NAT, Default
gateway and the DNS caching server is taken care by the modem itself.

On Sun, 2007-05-06 at 08:00 +0530, mehul wrote:
> On 5/6/07, pgiresident pgi <pgiresident at gmail.com> wrote:
>         Hi all,
>         This is Santam Chakraborty from Chandigarh. I have installed
>         ubuntu 7.04 on my system ( dual booting with Win XP. I have a
>         Tata Indicom Broadband connection using a ADSL router from
>         Billion (BIPAC 5200 S).
> Have you connected it via Lan Card or USB? Lan Card should be the
> preferred way.
Bhasker C V
Registered Linux user: #306349 (counter.li.org)
The box said "Requires Windows 95, NT, or better", so I installed Linux.

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