[ubuntu-in] Sify - getting online ...

Sanjay Bhangar sanjaybhangar at gmail.com
Tue May 1 23:48:21 BST 2007

Hey all,

I continue to face the problem of not being able to login to Sify through
Ubuntu. What I land up having to do is login through windows, then restart
in Ubuntu without logging out from Sify. This is a mega pain.

If someone uses Sify and has figured out a way to login through Ubuntu / any
Linux OS, please tell? ((Please only reply if you actually use Sify and are
currently managing to login through Ubuntu and dont send me web-links of
How-To's, etc. I'm not going to get into the complicated reasons and history
of why none of them work right now, but they dont. Ok I will get into some
history -- basically what happened was that once upon a time Sify had a
working login client for Linux. Then they decided to upgrade their Windows
client. After this, when you tried logging in from the Linux client, it
would ask you to upgrade your client. But, tada!, there was no upgrade for
the Linux client on the Sify page. Hence the suffering started
........................... of course, Sify is really really retarded, so
not logging out and quickly restarting my machine works, but it still pains
me to have to start Windows each time ... ))

I will be highly grateful if there is a solution.

Thanks much,

p.s. got the 7.04 CD from Preshit -- thanks much, dude and this list rocks.
Anurag, thanks for the offer, but I really think we should be able to
download our own software by now and not need it shipped from the States
.... well, I hope :- ). The offer of DVDs does sound tempting tho:- ). If
the list feels that might be useful and people volunteer to help distribute,
I think how-to-burn them can be figured out fairly easily. I know for
6.10you could download the repositories onto DVD, not sure if they
have that for
7.04 yet. Anyways....
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