[ubuntu-in] Need Help

Gora Mohanty gora at sarai.net
Tue May 1 13:15:54 BST 2007

On Tue, 2007-05-01 at 04:11 -0700, subhanil CHOWDHURY wrote:
> The plug of the sound box was loose. I fixed that and
> the sound is now coming.

Ack. Don't mean to discourage you in asking for help,
but if you are asking people to help you out voluntarily,
it is incumbent on you to try such simple troubleshooting

> The songs are not being able to copy to the hard disk.
> The system is refusing that.

Again, this is insufficient information to even begin
to try to help you. You need to describe, in detail,
what you tried, and what was the response of the
system. Give exact system error messages, not your
paraphrasing of them. Maybe this link to Eric Raymond's
article on "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way" might
be of help:


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