[ubuntu-in] How can i get glib .deb and video player

Suraj N. Kurapati skurapat at ucsc.edu
Sat Jan 13 18:31:31 GMT 2007

Francis Bosco wrote:
> I am using Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper. I am not having internet connection.
> need to download everything in a browsing centre.

I suggest taking your Ubuntu Live CD and booting it at the browsing
centre. Now use apt-get install ... and copy the installed .deb
files from /var/cache/apt/archives/ to a USB memory stick, or some
other storage.

> Is there any ubuntu version come with all of needed codec's any
> multimedia players

See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats

> 1. I downloaded source for xmms. while configuring it asked me for Glib1.2.
> then i got Glib1.2 source installed it. but again when configuring xmms it
> showing glib is not present set the correct environment path.

Why so much _manual_ labor?

If you want to get the dependencies to build some software, use:

  $ apt-get build-dep xmms

That will install everything (libraries, headers, etc.) you need to
build xmms. In this manner, build-dep is Debian's solution to
"dependency hell".

Also, why even build from source? Ubuntu already provides binary

> Where can i get glib in the form of .deb packages. It is not at all there
> in packages.ubuntu.com <http://packages.ubuntu.com>

  $ apt-cache search '*glib*'

> 2.What is the player available in ubuntu to run all windows format videos.
> where can i get in the form of .deb package

See MPlayer---the best media player for Linux ;)


  $ apt-get install mplayer

To iterate is human, to recurse, divine.
                -- Robert Heller

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