[ubuntu-in] OO Writer freezing when write in Devanagari

Dinbandhu dinbandhu at sprynet.com
Sun Dec 16 01:10:01 GMT 2007

On Sat, 2007-12-15 at 21:57 +0530, Roshan wrote:
> On Saturday 15 December 2007 21:43, Dinbandhu wrote:
> OpenOffice, please note, is the name of the *office* suite. If you were 
> (are) a power Windows user, you'll know MS-Word has its application 
> named winword. Similarly, openoffice, under Ubuntu can be started at 
> the terminal by typing 
> username at machinename: ~$ oowriter 

I tried what you suggest, and here is what happened:

swarup at swarup-laptop:~$ oowriter 
The program 'oowriter' is currently not installed.  You can install it
by typing:
sudo apt-get install openoffice.org-writer
bash: oowriter: command not found

So what should I do? I already have OO on my computer-- I do not need to
install it. Why won't Writer open with the command you've given?

> >If you tell me how to run it from terminal then I'll do so. Then when
> >the crash happens, I guess an error message will show up automatically
> >in terminal? Or will I have to request for one.
> I hope, you'll now be able to fire up Oo from the command line. :)

ok, but will the error message automatically come in terminal once I've
opened Writer via terminal? Or do I have to request the error message,
once the error comes?


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