[ubuntu-in] OO Writer freezing when write in Devanagari

Gora Mohanty gora at sarai.net
Fri Dec 14 18:20:19 GMT 2007

On Fri, 2007-12-14 at 10:59 -0500, Dinbandhu wrote:
> Hello,
> I do a lot of typing in Hindi (Devanagari) using OO Writer 2.3. I input
> characters using SCIM M17N-hi-baraha. I find that, in a typical two-hour
> typing session, the program will freeze 5-8 times requiring me to close
> down Writer by force, and reopen it. In addition to the time loss,
> usually I lose a couple of sentences in this process, and have to retype
> them.

What GUI theme are you using? I know, it is ridiculous that the
interface could affect program functionality, but there is
apparently a serious bug there. Could you try reverting to the
default "Human" theme, and see if that fixes problems?


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