[ubuntu-in] SCIM keymap for Hindi Baraha system

Satish Chandra satish.c7 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 11 20:24:20 BST 2007

On 8/12/07, Dinbandhu <dinbandhu at sprynet.com> wrote:
> I created a new file on my desktop, named it hi-baraha.mim, and pasted
> the contents of the above-mentioned webpage into it. I then tried to
> copy it or drag it to /usr/share/m17n/, but I received an error message
> at this point which states,
> "Error while copying to "/usr/share/m17n". You do not have permissions
> to write to this folder."
> How can I change the permissions in the m17n folder so it will allow me
> to put the new file there? Or if not that, then what do I need to do to
> make this work?

Copy the file with sudo:
sudo cp /home/username/Desktop/hi-baraha.mim /usr/share/m17n/

By default, only root will have access to system files. sudo gives you root
access temporarily.

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