[ubuntu-in] Install not work....!

amit saha dandolls at yahoo.co.in
Fri Oct 13 19:12:32 BST 2006

The ubuntu DVD shipped with LFY September 2006 has a command line installation option. That should solve your problem .
Amit Saha
*A Proud Ubuntero*


----- Original Message ----
From: Bimal Rekhadiya <bimaljr at gmail.com>
To: ubuntu-in at lists.ubuntu.com
Sent: Friday, 13 October, 2006 11:20:56 PM
Subject: [ubuntu-in] Install not work....!

I am new to Linux and want to try it..

My system config :
Intel P4 3.06GHz processor
Intel original motherbord
256MB DDR ram

I have loaded the Live CD and when I click on INSTALL the window takes approx 4min to load, and when I click FORWARD, The next screen would be the map, but the window takes 20min to load, and still not fully loaded. What do I do.

I got the cds from online ship-it. I have scan cd for foult, but all things works... it there any way to install Ubuntu from command line.

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