[ubuntu-in] ubuntu-in Digest, Vol 8, Issue 1

Onkar Shinde onkarshinde at gmail.com
Sun Oct 8 05:17:00 BST 2006

On 10/7/06, Ashfaq Shaikh <ashfaq.s76 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Mr. Onkar,
> As per your advise I had checked the howto for gprs, incidently the isp and
> all other things also match, but tell me one thing;
>  a) does ubuntu not recognizing my smartlink modem would make any difference
> for getting connected?
> b) The howto does not mention theabove but it does mention the driver for
> bluetooth where do I get that, or it is already in the package?
> Please Guide?
> Sorry for turning up late, Thankyou,
> Ashfaq Shaikh.

Hi Ashfaq,

Please don't use top posting in mailing lists. It breaks flow of
conversation. Please read http://ubuntu-in.org/wiki/Mailing_list_FAQ

The driver for bluetooth is included with standard kernel. Also if you
have bluez-utils package installed then you have all the things you

Your smartlink modem may probably work after installing
sl-modem-daemon which is in multiverse repository and not on CD. But
this has nothing to do with bluetooth-GPRS connection. The GPRS
connection uses modem in your mobile phone. If GPRS is working on
Windows then it will surely work on (K)Ubuntu.

Hope this helps.


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