[ubuntu-in] Reconfiguring Xserver-xorg

Mayank Garg mkg3103 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 15 07:56:12 GMT 2006

I am soory for my mistake.I notice it after sending the mail.

Your xserver has been reconfigured. However since you have chosen the
> high priority (-phigh) you've not been asked any questions regarding
> the xserver configuration. Try again with -pnormal or -plow if you
> need to hand configure anything.
> >I am getting my xserver reconfigured but system is not accepting new file
> and saves it with date stamp.If u try to overwrite that file over
> xorg.conf then also system do not accept that.

 Normal users should be able to run Firefox without any permissions problem,
unless you installed a custom firefox build in a non-standard place. Please
state explicitly what error message you see when normal user tries to open

> Normal user can not browse the internet  unless he starts firefox /opera
with sudo command.
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