[ubuntu-in] [ANNOUNCEMENT] Ubuntu-In council meeting on Monday 27th March 2006 at 18:00 on #ubuntu-in

Soumyadip Modak soumyadip.modak at gmail.com
Sun Mar 26 06:55:25 BST 2006

Well, we have had much discussion on the subject of a change in the Council
meeting timings, but we have not had *any* suggestions on the possible
topics for discussion.

Now regarding the timings of the meeting, I agree that it would be more
convenient for people if it is organised on weekends, but then that would
leave out people who access the net from their workplace. So I believe the
best compromise solution is Friday evenings, after 18:00 I.S.T. However, in
case of a Council meeting, the Council members would decide when to have the
meeting, so I leave the final decision of when to organise the Council
meeting to the Council itself. And not being a Council member myself, I
cannot yet influence any decisions regarding the Council meeting timings.

Please keep an eye on the developments Monday morning.
Soumyadip Modak
soumyadip.modak at gmail.com
soumyadip at nipl.net
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