[ubuntu-in] The Community Stucture
svaksha at gmail.com
Fri Mar 24 02:30:15 GMT 2006
On 3/23/06, Baishampayan Ghose <b.ghose at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> [0] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianTeam/Structure
As an Ubuntu volunteer who was involved in the formation of the
IN-team, I regret to say that this Team Structure was formed without
my knowledge or involvement. If the meetings were conducted on IRC
there was no email to this mailing list informing everyone of the
timings and date of the said meeting for aforementioned purpose. So I
request that logs of the said IRC chat be made available publicly.
After going through the wiki draft, here are my observations :
[0] Clause#3 of Functions of the Council arbitrarily grants the
council the right to assign and remove any Community volunteer from
any responsibility, as it deems fit. This does seem detrimental to the
*free* spirit that the Ubuntu community as a whole functions under.
To the best of my knowledge, even the CC and Ubuntu members don't
remove people without proof and assigning valid reasons.
[1] Redressal clause - There is no mention of this in the wiki draft.
In the event that any IN-volunteer has grievances how would the
IN-Council Members solve the same. Would redressal avenues be open to
all or restricted to Council Members and Admins.
[2] Post of Council Member and Administrators - I propose a clause
that a single person should not hold both posts. They should be
mutually exclusive, otherwise it will be a conflict of interest (hence
denial of justice) in the event of a disagreement between a volunteer
and a Member holding both Council and Admin posts.
[3] Election of Council Members : New Ubuntu volunteers should be
given a chance to participate in the IN-team, hence Admin posts should
not be renewed consecutively, instead a fresh team should take charge
with open polls for posts.
[4] Policy formation : To ensure transparency, the names of all the
IN-team people involved in policy formation should be clearly
mentioned. All IRC discussions should be made public as it is done in
Ubuntu proper. If this is already being done, the URL where logs can
be accessed should be prominently displayed.
I request these be clarified on this mailing list since it is
transparent and documented as opposed to IRC and will ensure greater
heights for the IN-Ubuntu Team.
Thanks for reading !
- Vid
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