10.10.10 release party

Mike O'Donohue airurando at eircom.net
Tue Sep 7 11:30:23 BST 2010

On Tue, 07 Sep 2010 11:05:45 +0100
Laura Czajkowski <laura at lczajkowski.com> wrote:

>   Aloha!
> It's just about a month away to the next release of Maverick, it's 
> release date is the 10.10.10 and they even changed the release
> schedule to make it so!
> With that in mind, we've had some great parties over the last few
> cycles and we want to do the same again.
> Do folks want to do the Jimmy chungs - Chinese buffet where they
> accept people paying for themselves
> Followed by Going to the market bar, it has wifi, but we also thought 
> about the tv add, "compare the market compare the meerkat"
> Having a pub quiz at the bar ?
> All are up for discussion, perhaps you have another idea, but we'd
> like to try and finalise this by Friday so we can get the word out to
> people...
> Laura

Hi All,

If our release party does indeed go ahead on 10-10-10 (as I hope it
will) and IF the release is early enough, in out time zone, would an
installfest as part of the day be a good idea to help promote both the
release party and Ubuntu in general.  If the release is delayed we
could fall back on installing the LTS 10.04. In fact it might be
advisable to give that option in any case. 

Just an idea.



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