Cork users group

Shane Fagan shanepatrickfagan at
Mon May 3 23:20:19 BST 2010

I dont think there would be enough users to be viable as a separate
group but you could do a Ubuntu hour down in Cork if you want. The last
one in Dublin got about 6 ish people but I dont know how many users
would be in the west. 


On Mon, 2010-05-03 at 22:26 +0100, Steffen Franke wrote:
> Hi Ubuntu Folks,
> I would like to bring an Ubuntu Cork users group into being. My forum
> name is omalley - real name Steffen. Running Ubuntu since 2008, before
> this I did use SuSe 7.x+ occasionally. 
> Anyone from Cork/Co. Cork out there who would be interested?
> Regards,
> -- 
> Steffen  <program.option.argument at>

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