Getting to know one another

tDR112 tdr112 at
Thu Jun 3 00:04:15 BST 2010

Hello all

I'm Jeffrey.

I have been using Ubuntu for a few years now. Got to know of few of
the folks when the drop in centre was up and running been talking to
them ever since. I hang out on IRC most of the time as tdr112, and I
make the team reports each month.

Outside Ubuntu I am trying to finish a degree in Engineering. Also I'm
involved in the Dublin hackerspace TOG.

I go to most of the Ubuntu hours in Dublin so if your around say hello.

Jeffrey Roe,

On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 11:30 PM, Rory McCann <rory at> wrote:
> I'm Rory.
> I'm the Point of Contact for the Ubuntu Ireland team, so Canonical have
> someone in Ireland to post things to. I'm pretty active on IRC (ebel is
> my nick), and I chair the monthly IRC Meetings. You can normally find me
> at the ubuntu hours etc.
> I've been an linux fan for a few years and used linux soley for years.
> In years past I spent some time helping Camara send ubuntu PCs to
> schools in Africa and have thaught many people how to use ubuntu.
> I'm in Dublin, and am working here as a Linux Sysadmin/Programmer. I'm a
> big Python fan and have been spending lots of time recently doing
> OpenStreetMap stuff. I'm also occasionally at the TOG, the Dublin
> Hackerspace.
> Outside IT I like to ride motorbikes and travel.
> Rory
> On 01/06/10 15:51, Laura Czajkowski wrote:
>> Aloha!
>> I recently went to the UK and attended the Canonical Release party of
>> Lucid and met Stephanie! She's Irish and works for Canonical.  It got me
>> thinking there are a lot of us on this mailing list and it'd be a nice
>> idea to get to know one another and tell us a little about yourselves.
>> So me! I'm involved in the Ubuntu Community in many ways, I'm on the
>> Ubuntu LoCo Council [0] which is very interesting dealing with teams and
>> hearing the stuff they are working on, gives me some great ideas.   I've
>> also been elected on the EMEA membership board [1] and hopefully we will
>> see more Irish going for their Ubuntu membership, at present there are 5
>> of us!
>> Outside of Ubuntu land I run and organise Open Source Barcamps - and try
>> and promote open source where I can.  Up until recently my day job was a
>> software tester but I'm now job hunting.  I'm now based in Limerick if
>> anyone wants to meet up.
>> [0]
>> [1]
>> So who else is on here :)
>> Laura
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