Global Jam - An Irish slant

Rory McCann rory at
Fri Jan 22 14:37:51 GMT 2010

Some ideas for things that could happen at it:

 * Standard Bug/Translation/etc Jamming (i.e. commenting on bugs, doing
translations, etc) Pros: Worked well when we did it in DIT last year.
Cons: a bit ubuntu specific

 * Workshop/Tutorials on how to do the above (ie bug jamming etc). Pros:
also worked well when we did it last year, cons: again ubuntu specific

 * Lightening talks, about anything really. Cons: We need volunteers to
do it!

 * General programming thingie, ie people just hacking on their own
thing for their own projects, cons: a bit isolation?

 * Bug Jamming Challenge - Given X 'contestants' see who can increase
their launchpad karma the most in that 24 hours. cons: is this a bit too
macho compeditive

 * OSM mapping party, cons: central dublin is mapped well

 * Play videos from some conferences on a big(ish) screen, it's like
being at a real conference! pros: better quality talks than getting
people to do it ourselves, cons: who has a projector / large screen?


On 21/01/10 18:35, Laura Czajkowski wrote:
> Aloha!
> It's me again.....
> Ubuntu has a Global Jam, mind way through a release cycle to encourage
> participation in working on bugs, translations, documentation, cleaning
> up of the wikis. In the past Ireland has run them.  I'd hope this year
> would be no different.
> At the 1st Ubuntu Hour we were discussing getting more groups involved
> in a day like this, so it's not just focused on Ubuntu, by asking other
> dev groups to take part.  Perhaps making the global jam section of the
> event more structured would be a good idea, so that we spent 2 hrs on
> topics or work in teams. I'd be interested in hearing ideas.  Ideally we
> might run this in the trinity capital hotel as there is space, but we
> would definitely need to confirm numbers as the room I'd be looking to
> get sponsored. There is free wifi there.
> Thoughts please....
> Laura

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