Edubuntu in NI School

Declan McGrath declan at
Sat Feb 20 11:13:24 GMT 2010

On Friday 19 February 2010 21:33:34 Julie Pichon wrote:
> Hi,
> On 18 February 2010 23:25, Declan McGrath <declan at> 
> > Ya, it was a nice piece of news. I hope it works out well because it
> > would be a great reference case for other schools to follow. I'm sure it
> > will be a great success!
> >
> > Hope some schools down here get on board in the same way soon!
> Last time I was looking around I found this case study of a primary
> school in Kerry: .
> Although they're having some great successes, it's kind of mitigated
> by teachers' reluctance to use/learn an operating system they're not
> familiar with (so they're using Edubuntu on their first older machine;
> and free software (and freeware) running on Windows for the new
> machines). That's why I'm really curious about Andrew Gribben's
> experience and I hope follow-up posts will mention how to get (and
> keep!) the school staff on board.
> All the best,
> Julie

Thanks for the link Julie. That's interesting stuff - even if Kerry ends up 
filed under opensourceschools ******


I will bookmark that link and see what some teachers that I know think of the 
software listed on that page (because I don't really know what educational 
software there is out there on Ubuntu myself).

Will be very interesting to see Andrew Gibbons experience. Let's hope it's a 
good one!

Have a good weekend,

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